Comedy Articles

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Fierce! This iPhone Decided It’s Just Too Hot to Do Any Work

Teacher Yearns for Simpler Days When Students Only Needed to Worry About Nuclear Attacks

How to Network Without Shouting, ‘You Find Me Job Now!’

I LIVED IT: I Thought I Was Talking to a Nice Guy Online, But It Turns Out He Is Cake

STUDY: Blondes Have More Fun Despite Going on The Same Roller Coasters as the Rest of Us (Headline only)

Woman Looking Wistfully Out Car Window in Countryside Really Just Thinking About Chicken Nuggets

How I Stopped Being Afraid of the Dentist By Instead Being Afraid of the Dentist’s Billing Department (Headline only)

Brave! Woman Eating Trail Mix Without M&Ms

‘Anti-Semitism Doesn’t Exist,’ Says Man Who Thinks All the World Banks Are Controlled By a ‘Secret Organization’ (Headline only)

3 Mother’s Day Gifts That Won’t Be as Good as Getting into Harvard 15 Years Ago (Headline only)

Woman Shocked That Her Recipe Didn’t Work After Substituting Half the Ingredients (Headline only)

Man Wants a Baby Boy to Carry on His Name, Even Though It’s Gary (Headline only)

How I Conquered My Fear of Loneliness by Replacing it With a Fear of Mega-Tsunamis (Headline only)

QUIZ: Will the Teens on My Block Make Fun of Me for Wearing These Sneakers? (Headline only)

3 Romantic Valentine’s Day Activities That Say ‘I Guess We Kind of Have to Bone Tonight’ (Headline only)
I Don’t Give Hand Jobs, I Give Hand Opportunities (Headline only)

Researchers Are Trying To Figure Out How Little Nephew Is Now Thirteen Years Old (Headline only)

Daredevil? This Woman Doesn’t Let Her Lean Cuisine Sit for Two Minutes Before Enjoying

Woman’s ‘It’s Too Hot to Go for a Run’ Excuse Stretches Into Fall (Headline only)

Yes, I Put My Hand on My Boyfriend’s Chest in Photos, Because That’s Where His Penis is Located (Headline only)

How I Learned to Love My Body, Even Though I’m the Second Body in a Human Centipede

4 Tight Pencil Skirts That Will Keep the Thousands of Tiny Spiders That Make Up Your Body in Place

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